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Pin Oak Tree 3-4'

Pin Oak Tree 3-4'

Regular price $23.99 USD
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A Great Shade Tree for Gardens Pin Oak Tree 3-4

Pin Oak Tree (Quercus palustris) is a deciduous tree that grows quickly, is graceful, has rich foliage, and is adaptable. Plants 3-4ft tall when mature into a shade tree that grows pyramidally and becomes an addition to any landscape. When its leaves are bright green in the autumn, they flash into a rich red, bronze, and orange, making for an autumnal spectacle.

Pin Oak Tree has the following features.

Fast-Growing: Gains substantial height and shade quickly.
Gorgeous Leaves: Summer green turns to fall colors.
Pyramidal Shape: It is symmetrical design creates beauty for gardens and sidewalks.
Wildlife: Acorns are eaten by birds, squirrels, and other wild animals.
Low Maintenance: Resistant to all soils, including damp and compacted.

Benefits of Pin Oak Tree:

Shade Provider: Provides shade in the scorching summers.
Erosion Control: Appearance: Benefits lowlands and works to stabilize soils and prevent runoff.
The City-Ready: Easily grows in city conditions, resistant to pollution and compacted soil.
Windbreak: Creates a windbreak naturally when planted in rows.
Long Lifespan: The hard-wearing and durable fixture for any home.

Planting and Care Instructions:

Light Needs: Full Sun to get maximum growth.
Land: Grows best on acidic, draining, or wetland and gets along well with poor soil.
Feeding: Light water requirements, especially in the beginning.
Space: Plant 15-25 ft apart to leave room for mature growth.
Pruning: Needs little pruning; lop lower branches if you have to clear away the mess.

The Pin Oak Tree: Why?

The Pin Oak Tree is perfect for anyone looking for a low-maintenance, fast-growing shade tree that you can enjoy all year. It adapts to different soil conditions and is an excellent alternative for your backyard, park, or city yard. Elegant and tall with its brilliant autumn colors, It is a classic plant for your yard.


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