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Bald Cypress Tree 3-4'

Bald Cypress Tree 3-4'

Regular price $28.99 USD
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Bald Cypress Tree 3-4': A Great Wetland and Landscape Tree.

Bald Cypress Tree (Taxodium distichum): It is a tall, evergreen conifer that is adaptable and durable. A plant that grows best in moist, swampy soils but equally at home in richly drained soils, this tree is ideal for making landscapes sing. Its characteristic feathery green leaves fade to warm orange-brown in the fall, which are beautiful all year round. This 3-4’ tree is the ultimate height, texture, and ecologically sound tree for your yard or garden.

The Important Characteristics of Bald Cypress Tree:

Flexible Bloom: Favors damp to dry soils.
Seasonal Use: Fall color is beautiful and brightens any landscape.
Wildlife Sanctuary: Feeds and shelters birds and other small animals.
Prolific and Long Lasting: Good care will last hundreds of years.

Benefits of Bald Cypress Tree:

Flood-resistant: Perfect for planting in flood plains or near water features.
Erosion Control: Firm roots hold the soil together.
Air Cleanse: Draws dirt away and gives you fresher air.
Low Maintenance: Resists many conditions once installed.
Classic Beauty: Stacked trunk and "knees" on the water make it stand out.

Planting and Care Instructions:

Sunlight Conditions: Blooms best in full to partial sun.
Type of Soil: For wet, sandy, or clay soils, but grows well in all kinds of soils.
Watering: Needs moderate moisture for establishment; is drought-tolerant when fully developed.
Distance: Allow 10-15 ft for natural development and root growth.
Maintenance: Not much pruning is needed; prune dead branches as needed.

The Bald Cypress Tree is For You?

Bald Cypress Tree: A contrasting and versatile landscape tree. It’s versatile enough to grow well in damp areas, rich in biodiversity, and beautiful year-round. It’s an excellent choice for gardeners, landscapers, and conservation. Plant it on a riverbank or make it the centerpiece of your yard, and you will surely get superior strength and beauty from this tree.

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