Red Hot Poker
Red Hot Poker
Red Hot Poker Plant (Kniphofia uvaria)
Red Hot Poker: Red Hot Poker is an edgy perennial plant that adds drama and interest to your garden. It is a hot red poker, and the red, orange, and yellow blooms in your yard feel tropical. The drought-tolerant shrub is cute and low-maintenance—the very thing gardeners want if they’re after a cute and low-maintenance shrub.
Summary of Red Hot Poker’s Key Features:
Flamboyant flowers: The Red Hot Poker plant is a stemless tuberous flower with red, orange, and yellow flaming torch flowers. These same bright-pink flowers are also favorites of hummingbirds and pollinators, and you’ll find them in just about any wildlife garden.
Low Water & Drought-Aware: Once established, the Red Hot Poker is drought-tolerant and requires only moderate watering. It’s a simple plant to tend to and an excellent choice for avid gardeners or water-budgeted individuals.
Long Blooming Season: Red Hot Poker bluffed all summer, usually late spring to early fall. Its large, cheerful blooms distract you for months, seasonal in beauty and interest.
Garden Filler & Can Be Repurposed: Use as a focal plant, border plant, or mixed bed, the Red Hot Poker is a garden filler that will take your garden to the next level. It needs full sun and good drainage, so it’s adaptable to all climates.
What Are the Benefits of the Red Hot Poker:
Flamboyant Shape & Design: Red Hot Poker Plants’ red flowers make a tropical accent for your yard. Its sloping blooms of color contrast with other plants' vertical form in your yard.
Birds and Pollinators: Hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies use the tube flowers of the Red Hot Poker to give your yard some diversity. And there is a winner if you plan to convert it into a wildlife sanctuary.
Low-Water-Use Beauty: Red Hot Poker is a good plant for water-conserving gardeners because it is drought-tolerant. It doesn't rot in wet soils, and once established, it doesn’t require much maintenance.
Months of Blooms Months of Blooms: Red Hot Poker flowers month after month and promises you an extended beauty display during the growing season. It’s a plant just right for your summer and early fall borders.
Planting & Care Instructions:
Where to Plant: Red Hot Pokers are sun-loving and good drainers. They like dry, hot gardens, ideal for xeriscaping or low-water gardens. Never plant them in clay-heavy soil, which kills root rot.
Fertilizing: Water the Red Hot Poker every 2-3 weeks during the first season for deep rooting. Once planted, it’s drought-tolerant and maintenance-free, the ideal companion plant for water-efficient gardens.
Fertilizer: Feed your Red Hot Poker a slow-release fertilizer with the correct pH to encourage growth in spring. It’s not a very big eater, but a little bit of nibbling will encourage blooms and plant health.
Pruning: Trim off fallen flowers and leaves to form new growth and tidy up. Prune back in late fall in colder climates to protect it from frost damage.
Take Extra Care in Winter: The Red Hot Poker does fine in most regions, but if you live in a cold climate, you will want to mulch it so that the roots do not freeze.
The Red Hot Poker: Why Should You Choose?
Red Hot Poker is for the gardener who wants to experiment with color and texture. It’s beautiful in flower, drought, and pollinator-friendly, so it's a beautiful ecological treat. Red Hot Poker will give you flowers that last years, whether you’re gardening for a low-maintenance backyard or a sustainable backyard.